SEO For Architects & Architecture FirmsWhen Someone In Your Architecture Firm’s Target M …

That’s why SEO is so important for architects & architecture firms.

In this blog post, we will cover everything you need to know about optimizing your architecture firm’s website & content for SEO. We’ll start with some general best practices and then dive into the specifics of each aspect of architecture SEO.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the first step in any SEO campaign. This involves using a tool like Google Keywords Explorer or SEMrush to find out what terms people are searching for when looking for architecture firms in your area.

Once you know what keywords people are searching for you can begin to create content that targets those keywords. This can include everything from main service pages linked in the navigation of your website to local service pages that feature a service keyword along with a geographic location (ex. Nashville Modern Architecture Firm).

It is also important to audit your website to see what keywords it is currently ranking for.Rose & Crown This can be done by using one of the many available SEO tools that simply require you to paste in your website URL.

On-Page Optimization

Developing and optimizing page content is the core of on-page optimization. It is the way you communicate value to Google and search engine users, which in turn drives website traffic and business growth.

Titles and Meta Descriptions are some of the most important on-page SEO elements. These are the first things potential clients will see when they search for your services, so it is critical that they accurately reflect the content on your site and that they are enticing enough to click.

Unlike other marketing strategies, SEO is a long-term commitment and it will take time to produce consistent results. However, once you hit your goals, it will become one of the most productive investments your architecture firm can make. This is because a well-optimized website will bring in consistent leads that are highly qualified.

Content Creation

Creating high-quality blog and website content is the next step in SEO for architecture firms. This includes creating service pages that describe the types of projects an architectural or building firm can help with and content that answers common questions prospective clients may have about those services.

Additionally, it’s important to create local SEO-optimized content for your firm. This involves creating location and local service area pages and optimizing them for the keywords that your potential clients are searching for in your geographic area.

It’s also helpful to include schema markup in your blog posts and other website content. This is a little more advanced and requires the help of a web developer, but it can be really helpful for feeding Google extra information about your content.

Link Building

We build internal links between your architecture firm’s website pages to create seamless navigation for search engines. We also optimize your site’s images for better performance. We also perform technical SEO to find & correct errors on your site that can negatively impact your architecture firm’s rankings.

We produce content to help your architecture firm rank on Google’s Local 3 Pack results (the block of map-based local listings that appear at the top of search engine results). We do this by creating content that answers questions prospects might have about your service — using words like “how,” “what,” “when,” “where,” & “why.”

We also promote your architecture firm through press releases & newsjacking (creating content around breaking or trending topics to get exposure on sites like Dezeen or Architects Journal). This helps you demonstrate your expertise and establish trust with prospective clients.

Technical SEO

In order for your architecture firm to be featured in search engine results pages (SERPs) it has to meet certain technical SEO requirements. These include crawlability, indexability, accessibility, and rankability. If your site fails to meet one of these requirements, other aspects of your SEO campaign can be affected.

Performing an SEO content audit is a great way to make sure your architecture firm’s website content meets on-page best practices. The audit will help you identify any areas where improvements can be made.

Next, use the SEO tools we mentioned earlier to research keywords that your ideal prospects are searching for. Focus on researching keywords that are related to your core services and geographic area. Ideally, you’ll want to target keywords that are top or middle of funnel searches (questions vs statements). Save these keywords into the software tools we mentioned above